part of speech | function or "job" | example words | example sentences |
Verb | action or state | (to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, must | is a web site. I like |
Noun | thing or person | pen, dog, work, music, town, London, teacher, John | This is my dog. He lives in my house. We live in London. |
Adjective | describes a noun | a/an, the, 69, some, good, big, red, well, interesting | My dog is big. I like big dogs. |
Adverb | describes a verb, adjective or adverb | quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really | My dog eats quickly. When he is very hungry, he eats really quickly. |
Pronoun | replaces a noun | I, you, he, she, some | Tara is Indian. She is beautiful. |
Preposition | links a noun to another word | to, at, after, on, but | We went to school on Monday. |
Conjunction | joins clauses or sentences or words | and, but, when | I like dogs and I like cats. I like cats and dogs. I like dogs but I don't like cats. |
Interjection | short exclamation, sometimes inserted into a sentence | oh!, ouch!, hi!, well | Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don't know. |
Source :
Son پسر | Mother مادر | Father پدر | Parents والدین |
Stepbrother نا برادری - برادر خوانده | Sister خواهر | Brother برادر | Daughter دختر |
Half-brother نا برادری - برادر خوانده | Stepmother نا مادری - مادر خوانده | Stepfather نا پدری - پدر خوانده | Stepsister نا خواهری - خواهر خوانده |
Grandmother مادر بزرگ | Grandfather پدر بزرگ | Grandparents پدر بزرگ و مادر بزرگ | Half-sister ناخواهری - خواهر خوانده |
Grandson نوه - پسر پسر - پسر دختر | Grandchildren نوه | Great grandmother مادر جد | Great grandfather پدر جد |
Cousin عموزاده - دایی زاده - عمه زاده - خاله زاده | Uncle عمو - دایی - شوهر عمه - شوهر خاله | Aunt عمه - خاله - زن دایی - زن عمو | Granddaughter نوه - دختر دختر - دختر پسر |
Sister-in-law خواهر زن - خواهر شوهر - جاری - زن برادر زن | Brother-in-law برادر شوهر - برادر زن - باجناق | Nephew پسر خواهر یا برادر - پسر برادر زن و خواهر شوهر | Niece دختر برادر یا خواهر |
Twins دوقلو | Only-child تک فرزند | Mother-in-law مادر زن - مادر شوهر | Father-in-law پدر زن - پدر شوهر |
Husband شوهر | Wife زن | Girl friend دوست دختر | Boy friend دوست پسر |
Ex-girlfriend دوست دختر سابق | Ex-boyfriend دوست پسر سابق | Ex-husband شوهر سابق | Ex-wife زن سابق |
تاسف زیاد (واقعاً متاسفم…)
واقعاً متاسفم جیمز، اما نمیخواستم کتابت را گم کنم.
جودی، خیلی خیلی متاسفم که تولدت را فراموش کردم!
تاسف / معذرت
از اینکه اینجا اینقدر بهم ریخته است متاسفم، بعداً مرتب میکنماش.
از اینکه DVDات را برداشتم معضرت میخواهم.
بیان تاسف بدون ذکر “I’m sorry”
بابت اینکه قبلا اون طوری باهات حرف زدم خیلی شرمندم.
لغات و اصطلاحات:
to get in/to get on: to enter or to board a vehicle
To get in is used for cars, to get on is used for all other forms of transportation.
- It's easiest to get in the car from the driver's side. The door on the other side doesn't work well.
- I always get on the bus to work at 34th Street.
to get out of/to get off : to leave or to descend from a vehicle
To get out of is used for cars, to get of is used for all other forms of transportation.
- Why don't we stop and get out of the car for a while?
- Helen got off the train at the 42nd Street terminal.
to put on: to place on oneself (usually said of clothes) (S)
- Mary put on her coat and left the room.
- Put your hat on before you leave the house.
to take off : to remove (usually said of clothes) (S)
- John took off his jacket as he entered the office.
- Take your sweater off. The room is very warm.
to call up : to telephone (also: to give someone a call) (S)
To call can be used instead of to call up, as in the first example below.
- I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday I'd better call him now.
- Call me up tomorrow, Jane. We'll arrange a time to have lunch together.
- I promise to give you a call as soon as I arrive in New York.
to turn on: to start or cause to function (also: to switch on) (S)
- Please turn on the light; it's too dark in here.
- Do you know who turned the air conditioning on?
to turn off: to cause to stop functioning (also: to switch off, to shut off) (S)
Turn on and turn off, as well as their related forms, are used for things that flow, such as electricity, water, gas, etc.
- Please turn off the light when you leave the room.
- Are you really listening to the radio, or should I turn it off?
right away: very soon; immediately (also: at once)
- Dad says that dinner will be ready right away, so we'd better wash our hands and set the table.
- Tell Will to come to my office right away. I must see him immediately.
- Stop playing that loud music at once!
to pick up: to lift from the floor, table, etc., with one's fingers (S)
- Harry picked up the newspaper that was on the front doorstep.
- Could you pick your toy up before someone falls over it?
sooner or later: eventually, after a period of time
- If you study English seriously, sooner or later you'll become fluent.
- I'm too tired to do my homework now; I'm sure I'll do it sooner or later.
to get up: to arise, to rise from a bed
For the last definition a noun phrase must separate the verb and particle.
- Carlo gets up at seven o'clock every morning.
- At what time should we get the children up tomorrow?
at first: in the beginning, originally
- At first English was difficult for him, but later he made great progress.
- I thought at first that it was Sheila calling, but then I realized that it was Betty.