Abate; reduce. decrease. lessen. Become less. diminish. suppress. .1
Intensity; strength. energy. Extreme degree. depth.
.Confer; talk together . Consult with. give. bestow
a. When the wind changed direction, the air grew quiet and the storm abated.
.b. The salesman could not abate the price of the automobile, without conferring with the manager
c. Although the doctors helped the epidemic would abate, the number of hospital admissions did not decrease.
Abhor; hate. detest. dislike. .2
Exclaim; call. shout. Cry out.
a. Many people abhor handling snakes, but most snakes are quite harmless.
b. The interior decorator abhorred the thought of painting the kitchen walls purple.
c. After dining at the Japanese restaurant, the tourist exclaimed, "I love most Japanese food, but I abhor eating uncooked fish."
Acclimate; To adapt. To adjust. Become accustomed. .3
Abrupt; sudden. rude. hasty.
a. It is difficult for the human body to acclimate to abrupt changes in temperature.
.b. Dogs and cats usually acclimate easily to living in a home with small children
.c. Most zookeepers think animals acclimate successfully to a simulated natural environment
Adage; proverb. maxim. Traditional saying. .4
.Haste; speed . quickness. hurry. rush
Recite; tell. recount. relate. read.
.a. We often find out that the adage "haste makes waste" is true
".b. Parents often teach their children by reciting adages, such as, "a stitch in time saves nine
c. If you want to get rich, remember the adage, "a penny saved is a penny earned."
Son پسر | Mother مادر | Father پدر | Parents والدین |
Stepbrother نا برادری - برادر خوانده | Sister خواهر | Brother برادر | Daughter دختر |
Half-brother نا برادری - برادر خوانده | Stepmother نا مادری - مادر خوانده | Stepfather نا پدری - پدر خوانده | Stepsister نا خواهری - خواهر خوانده |
Grandmother مادر بزرگ | Grandfather پدر بزرگ | Grandparents پدر بزرگ و مادر بزرگ | Half-sister ناخواهری - خواهر خوانده |
Grandson نوه - پسر پسر - پسر دختر | Grandchildren نوه | Great grandmother مادر جد | Great grandfather پدر جد |
Cousin عموزاده - دایی زاده - عمه زاده - خاله زاده | Uncle عمو - دایی - شوهر عمه - شوهر خاله | Aunt عمه - خاله - زن دایی - زن عمو | Granddaughter نوه - دختر دختر - دختر پسر |
Sister-in-law خواهر زن - خواهر شوهر - جاری - زن برادر زن | Brother-in-law برادر شوهر - برادر زن - باجناق | Nephew پسر خواهر یا برادر - پسر برادر زن و خواهر شوهر | Niece دختر برادر یا خواهر |
Twins دوقلو | Only-child تک فرزند | Mother-in-law مادر زن - مادر شوهر | Father-in-law پدر زن - پدر شوهر |
Husband شوهر | Wife زن | Girl friend دوست دختر | Boy friend دوست پسر |
Ex-girlfriend دوست دختر سابق | Ex-boyfriend دوست پسر سابق | Ex-husband شوهر سابق | Ex-wife زن سابق |
Admit: To accept, to express one's guilt or responsibility
پذیرفتن، اقرار کردن
Adult: A grown person
Advise: To help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision
نصیحت کردن، آگاهانیدن
Affect: To produce an effect on. To influence
اثر کردن
Afraid: Feeling fear
Agency: An organization that is part of a larger group
Agression: An attack against a person or country. The violation of a country's borders
تهاجم، تجاوز
Agriculture: Farming
Aid: To help. To support. Help, assistance
کمک کردن، پشتیبانی کردن، دستیاری
Aim: To point a gun at. A goal or purpose
قراول رفتن، هدف
Air force: A military organization using airplanes
نیروی هوائی
Airplane: A vehicle with wings that flies
Airport: A place where airplanes take off and land
Ally: A nation or person joined with another for a special purpose
هم پیمان
Almost: A little less than completely
Along: Near, or on
همراه، نزدیک
Although: Even if it is true that
Ambassador: A nation's highest diplomatic representativeto another government
Amend: To add to or to change a proposal or law
اصلاح کردن
Accept: To agree to receive
Accident: Something that happens by chance or mistake. An unplanned event
تصادف، حادثه
Accuse: To say a person is responsible for an act or crime. To make a statement against someone
متهم آردن
Across: From side to side. To the other side
از این سو به آن سو، از عرض
Act: To do something
عمل آردن
Activist: One who seeks change through action.
طرفدار عمل
Actor: Someone acting in a play or show
Add: To put something with another to make it larger. To say more
جمع آردن، افزودن
Administration: The executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister